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Local Information

Shopping, Food & Drink

Town Centre & High Street - Goole Town Centre is located about half a mile away from the house. From the house turn right and up to the junction, then turn left over the bridge and straight through the first traffic lights. At the second traffic lights either turn right and go up to the roundabout, which brings you to the Wetherspoon's pub and a couple of others, the top of the pedestrianised High Street, the police station and large free carpark. 


Laundrette, DIY shop & Chip Shop - From the roundabout – the first available exit leads to an excellent chip shop (opposite the police station) and the two side roads before the chip shop lead into the carpark. There is a great DIY shop -called Carlisle's- at the end of the carpark at the end of the carpark on the right side, and a new laundrette (coin operated) if you turn right at the end of the carpark (and right again). At the launderette there are double yellow lines, so it is best to park and walk from the car park. 


Supermarkets, Retail Park & Italian Restaurant - If you had gone straight on at the traffic lights you would have ended up at the other end of the High Street, with the train station in front of you. You have to turn left at this junction, which takes you to the big Tesco store (on RHS) and the big Morrisons after it (RHS). If you had been able to turn right (or you turn around), this would take you to a small retail park on your right, and a small ASDA on your left and some other shops. There is a number of takeaway food places within the town centre area and an Italian restaurant somewhere near Weatherspoon's end. 


Co-op & Free Cash Machine - Your nearest food shop is the Co-op (about 200m away) at the junction, turn right and you'll see the store sign on the right. They also have a free cashpoint. 


LIDL, B&Q, Screwfix & Tool Station - There is also a large LIDL store – at the junction, turn left towards town, but at the first lights turn left, following the longer road towards the motorway. At the first traffic lights, turn right and the store is on the left before the second set of traffic lights. If you go as far as the lights and turn left there is another retail park with a small B&Q. There is also a Screwfix and Tool Station at the furthest end. 

Shopping, Food & Drink
House Rules

Parking – guests cab park outside the front of the house. There is no parking restrictions on the road.


Broadband – broadband for the property can be found in the property and is free to use (no additional charges).


Central Heating – controller is in the living room. Simply set the temperature you require using ↑ and ↓. You do not need to touch the boiler at all. Hot water is automatic.


No Smoking – this is a no smoking house. Smoking is permitted outside at the front or rear of the house. There is a beer tin in outside the back door (by the wall) for cigarette ends.


Bins – Green is rubbish (food and polystyrene). Blue is recycling (almost everything including carrier bags).


Guests are kindly asked to remove their shoes before walking on the carpets.


Safety and Alarms - For your safety, the house has fire alarms on the stairs, a CO2 detector and fire blanket in the kitchen baskets, and a first aid box under the sink. The boiler was replaced and a gas safety check was conducted on December 2021 and an electrical EICR check was conducted in October 2020.


Pets – Pets are allowed during your stay, however, we kindly ask that they are kept to the bottom floors of the accommodation and are not allowed onto furniture. Otherwise, make sure to place a throw blanket onto furniture if your pet does go onto the furniture. 


Cleaning and Landry- cleaning and laundry changes have been done in preparation for your stay. An additional weekly clean and laundry change is provided for longer stays (you can opt out if you have any Covid concerns – these are fresh towels and bed lining in the bedroom wardrobes). The house has been cleaned to Covid-19 standards, and additional disinfectant spray, hand sanitising gel and surface wipes are left on the table for your use during your stay. 


Please follow the government advise to wash your hands frequently and observe social distancing measures outside the house when in contact with people outside of your household. Facemasks or face coverings are required in shops and most public spaces. People from outside your household/bubble are not allowed to mic indoors currently. 


Please let us know if you are suffering any symptoms of Covid-19 during your stay (safety concern for my cleaners). You and your party would need to self isolate and seek further advise from the NHS website or phone 111 is symptoms persist. 


Leaving – when you leave please drop the heating temperature to low (10 degrees), and switch the lights and TV top button off. Thank you so much!

House Rules
Contacting Your Host - Penny

Although I do not live in Goole, please feel free to contact me using any of the available information below, and I will be sure to help you to the best of my ability so that you can enjoy your stay.


Phone: 01782 396451

Mobile: 07966 253438 (texts)


Facebook: Penny Doyle-Johnson

Company Name: Penelope Jane Johnson



Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help or if anything you need is missing from the house or if anything breaks or needs fixing.


I hope that you enjoy your stay with us – and welcome to feedback.

Contacting Host
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